Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dear God..

Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity. Mother Teresa

I'll be flying off to Singapore for a funeral in 7 hours time. Allan's aunt passed away after losing her fight with leukemia. I've never met or know her but my heart sanks when I heard the news. I'm not good in dealing with losses especially when it comes to my love ones.. The only funeral I attended was my great grandmother's funeral and it broke my heart.. I remembered crying my heart out and I felt a sense of loss and emptiness inside knowing that I will never see her smile or laugh again or just kissing me on the forehead and said, "cucu gua dah besar"..

I know that she is in heaven and she is in God's hand and that she is happy.. and I hope she still remembers me when I meet her there one day.

I pray that God will bless my family and protect them from any harm. Please don't ever take my family away from me. Please keep them safe..